A downloadable game for Windows

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A short and simple demo of a possible furry RPG game, featuring a supervillain, a superhero, and some mind control.

You play as a supervillain with psionic powers and a desire for world domination. The first step toward that goal is defeating and brainwashing a superhero.

As I said, this is a demo, not a full game. A full game of what I had in mind would take a lot of time, so I went for a short demo/proof of concept thing instead, to test the waters. The character sprites and map tilesets were all made by me, and I put it all together using RPG Maker.

Will I develop it into a full game? Maybe, if there's interest. If enough people like it, I would consider doing more. I certainly have plenty of possible ideas for it.

But for now, I hope you try out and enjoy this demo of 'Rule the World'. If you do like it and would like to see me do more, be sure to let me know.

StatusOn hold
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(25 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
TagsAdult, Furry, Gay, hypnosis, RPG Maker, Superhero, supervillain


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CKlaw_RuleTheWorld_GameDemo.rar 114 MB


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Love it

The demo was great and I think you should keep going and make it into a full game. I love superhero enslavement and humiliation.

I like this game. Hope to see full version.

This is super cute and fun!!!!!!! A game based on hypno, heroes and furry... YEAH!

I like this game, hope it can be  a full game in the future

I really liked it, hope you keep working on it to make it a full game :D


Heya :3
I'm great fan of your art and work and I even make a donation of 5$ while downloading the game because the concept is very good and I want to see a full game of it

Now some recommendation and critique about this demo.

1: I think you should add a naked version of psi-master if you unnequip his costume. (btw I beat the game naked too lol) It's a kink/sex game I think you should have the option to see your character naked. And it would be fun to have altered dialogue in the capturing phase with the civil that are feared of you not beacause you are a vilain but a nudist x3

2 : like W3r3 W0lf said in the comment : "Also when confronting F.F. he mention Psi Master had already been beaten by someone, but during the lair tour Psi Master never alluded to that, might want to change the dialogue a bit and make it so P.M. is actually a rookie supervillain, not an experienced one. Might also make his rule/conquer dilemma more believable and a great running gag." I agree with this but if you still want to make psi-master an experienced vilain, you can do like "Perfect home" by citrine and make an intro where Psi-master is like swatted by a hero league or something and encounter a great defeat.  That could also serve as a tutorial for the fight phase or even mind control phase if the intro start with a hero already captured and the league swatt psi-master base when you finished brainwashing the captured hero. with that context you can even add heros that were ex-slave of psi-master and came back to their heroic life, for him to brainwash them again >:3.

3 : when it come to brainwashing phase I think it's redundant sadly. its just the same fight over and over again the same one as the capturing phase. For me those phase should be more like a mind dungeon with essentially puzzle, where you learn more about, the hero, his identity, his past, his insecurity (with why not some random encounter and maybe mini-boss even) for then to meet with his free will. Again the fight with the free will should not be the same fight as the first one it should be a different gameplay that fit more with the hypno-kink theme

I see it like a boss lif bar with shields in the middle and one at the end, so two segment that I call, weakening and breaking

the weakening segment is to lower the boss's life bar 

I have two idea for the weakening segment

the first one : a "paper rock scissor" game  but with a hypno skin the hero saying a sentence wich vaguely indicate wich action he will use for you to choose the right option to counter him

the second   : a rythm  or a QTE or a simon game (depending of what is possible with the game motor you using) again with a "hypno skin".

those game would lead to the second segment, the breaking : The hero's free will say a sentence and you have to counter it with the information  you collected during the whole mind dungeon. Choosing the good argument break one of the shield  leading you to an another  weakening phase. choosing the bad argument make you loose life and make the free will recover a bit of life leading you to the previous weakening phase.

repeat those two segment every time you want until all the hero's free will shields break :3

and at the end when you choose the fate of the hero you should add some text describing the brainwashing because we are here for the hypno horny of course :3

Very good! Hoping you make this into a full game

Really nice work man ^^
Really enjoyed the original sprites and map you are making, and looking forward for whatever comes next. Will be trying to support and the very least sharing for others to check out your work ;3.

That said, there are a couple of things i wanted to say, as a gameplay feedback. During combat, there are a couple of things i noticed that may need some check:
- the two attack abilities, seems to have near same damage. Now if mental blast is a multi-target attack that is fine, but if not, I would highly suggest adjusting the abilities damage output a bit, for better balance.
- the buff and debuff abilities seems to have a random removal time. Like i get for the debuff, its classic to have similar mechanic and all, but for the buff, personally felt a bit off. If it possible, i would suggest the buff to stay up for a little longer.
- last but not least the animations of the skills. Now i know you use the standards animations of the game engine, (as i have dwell with it too), and you have done really nice work, especially since i can notice you have worked to adjust them on the size of your original sprites, but they seemed to me to appear way bigger and  get a bit off screen too. if it is possible, i would suggest to try and make them a little smaller.

At least this is my take. your game really shows that you have put some work behind it, and i am really glad to be able to experience a bit your stories once more from it. Have been reading your comics since when i first read your polar bear gym comic ^^.
I hope this small feedback helps out a bit for your future development, and again wish you the best with it man ^^!

very good I like


I really enjoyed it! If you're willing to push this project further. I'll be happy to support you with donation via Patreon or anything. 

I figured it out and it was fantastic if you plan to make this into a full game I'm willing to support you fully and donate to the project!

Great demo! 

I'm not sure if you take recommendations but have you ever thought of adding some game over scenes into it?  

Bug to report, if you interact with the heroes menu after capturing the target it will have you restart the capture mission and once done it'll auto complete.  If you have already mind controlled the target then the capture mission is still up.  It will still auto complete but then it'll put the target back in the brainwashing chamber.  Interacting with the captured hero causes the game to lock.


For some reason, I could not play the demo as the file wouldn't unzip for me as an error keeps poping up which is upsetting as I love mind control games.

(1 edit)

The .rar needs to be opened with 7Zip rather than Windows' built in extractor.  Sometimes this happens, idk why.


Not a bad start. few things i had issue with was during combat the 5mp attack sometimes did more damage then the 20mp one.
if you're going to give us a spend-y attack, might want to add like a stun or a stat drop to it to make it worth choosing.
Also when confronting F.F. he mention Psi Master had already been beaten by someone, but during the lair tour Psi Master never alluded to that, might want to change the dialogue a bit and make it so P.M. is actually a rookie supervillain, not an experienced one. Might also make his rule/conquer dilemma more believable and a great running gag.

When after successfully hypnotizing F.F. you get asked to choose what kind of slave he is. Would it be possible to instead add that to their talk menu as a kind of "mode change"? Would probably save you a lot of writing later AND would be an interesting game mechanic.
Example: you take him to your playroom and initiate playtime. He automatically switches to kinky mode so you only have to write kinky mode dialogue for him.

Mechanically, you could make it so that different modes give you better bonuses against other supers. for instance, a super that's weak against dirty talk or kinky displays against a party of kinky mode villains. or a hero/villain that can disrupt your mental hold so the solution is to turn off your party thoughts with drone mode.
Also might want to change the "Heroes" on the lair panel to "Supers" since you'll prolly have to go against other villains as well. The more the merrier right?

wrote more than i thought, but its got a LOT of promise, looking forward to more